Hello All,
Maybe we could have in this forum two pinned documents.
I'm thinking of one document with hardware usable with Neobook, and one document with plugins for Neobook to support the hardware. This could be something like a review of hardware and plugins, but without making a long discussion tread.
Something to give the users information about the products who are usable and a review with pro's / con's, maybe documentation of use (or link to the documentation. I would kindly maintain these documents.
Best regards,
Moderator: Neosoft Support
http://www.lunarsoftware.eu - Lunar Software ERP database Development. Manufacturing processes, Document management, QMS, Stock management. Standalone solutions or connected to Helios Orange and other ERP systems.
gtComms Manual
Hello All,
I was planning to write a manual for gtComms, but I found a complete PDF manual on my PC.
Below download link for gtComms and Manual:
http://www.edbis.eu/neobook/gtComms_7.0 ... Manual.zip
Best regards,
Eric Beerhorst
I was planning to write a manual for gtComms, but I found a complete PDF manual on my PC.
Code: Select all
SetVar "[cport]" "8"
SetVar "[baud]" "9600"
gtCommOpen "[cport],[baud],8,0,1,,"
gtCommRxCount "[cport],Bytes"
gtCommRxS "[cport],[Bytes],Data"
http://www.edbis.eu/neobook/gtComms_7.0 ... Manual.zip
Best regards,
Eric Beerhorst
http://www.lunarsoftware.eu - Lunar Software ERP database Development. Manufacturing processes, Document management, QMS, Stock management. Standalone solutions or connected to Helios Orange and other ERP systems.
Re: Plugins....
Hi Eric,
It was very interesting reading the manual, although there are functions in it that don't exist such as 'gtcommsendascii'
It is unfortunate that there wasnt a 'sendhex' so is still no good for me.
Good find though, I'm sure many other people can use this.
Dave J
It was very interesting reading the manual, although there are functions in it that don't exist such as 'gtcommsendascii'
It is unfortunate that there wasnt a 'sendhex' so is still no good for me.
Good find though, I'm sure many other people can use this.
Dave J
np8047 plugin
Hello All,
Next to the gtComms plugin I like also to introduce the np8047 plugin from David Esperalta. http://neoplugins.com/?plugin/np8047
This plugin for NeoBook is a wrapper over the DLL for the Velleman Recorder/Logger K8047 & PCS10 cards. The plugin allows you to use all the exported functions from this DLL and therefore communicate your publications with this kind of hardware. The Velleman K8047 & PCS10 cards are inexpensive hardware who can be used in combination with Neobook using the np8047 plugin.

A complete manual you can find here: http://neoplugins.com/?help/np8047
The PCS10 card is in our production used as test equipment for measuring etc. See a simple test below.

This test uses the following Plugins from David:
Next to the gtComms plugin I like also to introduce the np8047 plugin from David Esperalta. http://neoplugins.com/?plugin/np8047
This plugin for NeoBook is a wrapper over the DLL for the Velleman Recorder/Logger K8047 & PCS10 cards. The plugin allows you to use all the exported functions from this DLL and therefore communicate your publications with this kind of hardware. The Velleman K8047 & PCS10 cards are inexpensive hardware who can be used in combination with Neobook using the np8047 plugin.

A complete manual you can find here: http://neoplugins.com/?help/np8047
The PCS10 card is in our production used as test equipment for measuring etc. See a simple test below.

This test uses the following Plugins from David:
- npGaug plugin for the Voltage meters http://neoplugins.com/?plugin/npgaug
npScop plugin spectrum data measuring http://neoplugins.com/?plugin/npscop
http://www.lunarsoftware.eu - Lunar Software ERP database Development. Manufacturing processes, Document management, QMS, Stock management. Standalone solutions or connected to Helios Orange and other ERP systems.