I have 6 different FTP Host accounts.
I'm trying to do a FTP program that allow copy Files and entire Folders between hosts.
In fact, all works fine.
As the main program is very difficult to read because the quantity of data i put into the screen, i'm trying to do an external client (a separated program) that does the following:
Code: Select all
StrParse "[CommandLine]" "[#13]" "[arg_]" "[cuantos]"
if "[cuantos]" "<>" "6"
AlertBox "FTP Client" "Bad number of Arguments"
fmConnectRemote "Remote[arg_2]" "[arg_3]" "User=[arg_4];Password=[arg_5];Port=[arg_6];Passive=No;Timeout=60000;InitialPath=;LogLimit=0;KeepAlive=0"
fmSetFileMask "Remote[arg_2]" "*.*"
fmSetRootDir "Remote[arg_2]" "/"
fmShowFileBrowser "Remote[arg_2]" "Rectangulo1"
fmSetFileBrowserProperties "Remote[arg_2]" "RowSelect=No;ShowHiddenFiles=Yes;ShowCheckBoxes=No;ThumbnailHeight=64"
fmSetHeaderColumnWidths "Remote[arg_2]" "Name=150"
Code: Select all
Run "[Pubdir]Client" "[HostNum][#13][Host][#13][Account][#13][Password][#13][Port]" "Normal" "" ""
In fact, each time i create a new connection, the Connection Dialog works fine, an a new instance of the "Client" program is created with a new FTP Site. All fine.
But, when i try to drag a file or a folder to an another "Client" instance ( another FTP host ) I receive a "File not Found" message error.
Are there any way to correct this ?
Thanks in advance,
David de Argentina
PS: I know i can do it using custom windows into the main program. but if i do this, i limite the quantity of remote hosts according the quantity of CustomWindows i create. Using an external program the quantity is unlimited.