I am trialing this plugin and so far love it. I am having an issue parsing files. Maybe I can get some Pro help.
What I am doing is downloading files from a server via FTP - works fine
I download them into a folder on my local computer - works fine
I parse the file list of files into a variable - works fine
I then make a loop and create file named folders - works fine
I try to move that file that I just made a folder with into that folder using the fmMoveFrom command using this filename nomenclature: [FileListSep[LoopTracker]] (as this is the name of the array which houses the file name) - this part doesn't work.
I then add that name to a combo box list - this works
Here is my code:
FileList "[PubDir]Needs Initial Processing\*.*" "Files+NoExt" "[FileList1]"
StrParse "[FileList1]" "[#13]" "[FileListSep]" "[SepNum]"
Loop "1" "2" "[LoopTracker]"
fmCreateFolder "CreateFolders" "[FileListSep[LoopTracker]]"
fmMoveFrom "LocalInitialFiles" "[PubDir]Needs Initial Processing\test.txt" "[PubDir]Client Files\[FileListSep[LoopTracker]]" "GetConfirmation=No;ShowProgress=Yes"
ListBoxAddItem "ComboBox39" "0" "[FileListSep[LoopTracker]]"