PHP sendmail with InternetPost function

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PHP sendmail with InternetPost function

Post by Dudus »

Hello everybody!

I have to try to make a send e-mail php using neobook InternetPost function, but im not sure how to do this. I have the following php script which
can do it when you execute on server, but i don't know how to modify the code if I want to execute with variables from neobook.

So the sendmail.php on remote server looks like:

Code: Select all

$to = "";   ----//this section should be modified from a NeoBook variable like [the_recepient_mail_address]
$subject = "Hi!";
$body = "Hi,\n\nHow are you?";     ---//this section should be modified from a NeoBook variable like [the_information]
$headers = "From:\r\n". 
"X-Mailer: php";
if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {   
echo("<p>Message sent!</p>");  
else {
echo("<p>Message delivery failed...</p>");  
So ho can i do it from a browser titlebar or from NeoBook with InternetPost command?
Thank You!
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Re: PHP sendmail with InternetPost function

Post by Neosoft Support »

Most servers won't allow an external program to execute a php script. It would be a huge security risk since it would allow anyone to use the server to send Spam.
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Re: PHP sendmail with InternetPost function

Post by Wrangler »

Take a look at WAMP. Apache, PHP, Mysql for windows installs on your computer. Open source.
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