David's NeoDouble Plug-In help needed

Questions about NeoBook PlugIns

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David's NeoDouble Plug-In help needed

Post by tranqui »

Hi, i'm trying to use David Esperalta's NeoDouble PlugIn to cript some strings and send it to a server.

The goal is
Cript the string in neobook using my pass -> Use the internetPost to send the command -> Using php decript the command using the given pass

for example:

Code: Select all

npCifrarCadena "a quick brown fox jumped over the lazy llama" "q!2wsd#45^532dfgTgf56njUhfrthu&^&ygsrwsRRsf" "0" "6" ""

result:   0qv5xCN7B52+bb9FCECemwQM/8aGnK8o9PXfBBNfIVZ95ym1IXpj6EFHXzc=

Is it possible to decrypt the result in the server having the pass and the encryption mode?

The problem is that I could not rcreate the encryption or the decryption outside the NeoBook.

I tried all the possible combinations of algoritms & hashes, and i cannot find a piece of code to decript it or viceversa.

If anyone can help me he/she will make me so happy

Thank you so much.