Plugin NeoThinBasic 1.06 is available.
Plugin Download Link:
Replace the previous plugin with this one.
Plugin Full Package download link:
The ZIP includes:
Distribution Folder
|_ NeoThinBasic.NBP: The plugin itself.
|_ ThinCore.DLL: The ThinBasic core library. Must be on the same folder of the plugin
|_ SDK.PUB: Sample of the use the exported functions of the plugin
|_ SDK.tBasic: Associated .tBasic (source code) of the SDK.PUB
|_ BIN Folder: here goes your own Libraries (DLL's) if you have any
|_ HELP Folder: All Help Files of ThinBasic
|_ INC Folder: here goes all include files (.INC) to declare functions of Libraries (.DLL's)
|_ LIB Folder: here goes all aditional ThinBasic DLL's called by USES "LIBNAME"
|_ MOD Folder: here goes your own modules called by MODULE "MODNAME"
Samples Package Download link:
ZIP includes 300+ categorized samples.
Major Changes:
* Plugin works fine on Debug Time and Execution Time. No error Messages.
* Now the plugin could be compiled into the executable program.
You only need include the thinCore.dll and the LIB folder (and your own files, too) for your programs distribution
* Added a third option to ae_TB_LoadScript action: Load an encrypted file (ideal for patches, updates for your programs that you don't like source code be visible)
ae_TB_LoadScript "SDKX.tBasic" "X" <-- the "X" parameters means the file is encrypted.
* New Debug Mode interface, to be more friendly with the users.
* Added a new Function: ae_TB_EncryptFile
Purpose: Convert an human readeable .tBasic source file to an encrypted .tBasic source file.
ae_TB_EncryptFile ".tBasic Source File" ".tBasic Target File"
.tBasic Source File: is the normal (readeable) ThinBasic Source File to convert
.tBasic Target File: is the encrypted file converted
ae_TB_EncryptFile "SDK.tBasic" "SDKX.tBasic"
* Now, the .tBasic could be readed from [embedded] mode directly.
Using this mode, you don't need to let visible the .tBasic file.
Example: (assume you had embedded the SDK.tbasic file)
Code: Select all
GetObjectHandle "Boton1" "[h]"
FileToVar "[Embedded]SDK.tBasic" "[Variable]"
ae_TB_LoadScript "[Variable]" "V"
ae_TB_SetVar "NeoBook" "True" "S"
ae_TB_Run "Reg_Key"
All new Updates will be added within this post.
Enjoy !