ThinBasic code (Save as Xprint.tBasic)
Code: Select all
uses "XPRINT"
xprint_attach "choose", "thinBasic sample spool file"
dim ClientWidth, ClientHeight as long
dim SizeWidth, SizeHeight as long
dim ppiX, ppiY as long
dim mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom as long
dim Quality as long
dim Orientation as long
dim DC as dword
dim CurrentPrinter as string
CurrentPrinter = xprint$
if CurrentPrinter <> "" then
'xprint_set(%XPRINT_set_orientation, 2)
'xprint_scale(1, 1, 1000, 1000)
xprint_get(%XPRINT_GET_DC , DC)
xprint_get(%XPRINT_GET_CLIENT , ClientWidth, ClientHeight)
xprint_get(%XPRINT_GET_SIZE , SizeWidth , SizeHeight )
xprint_get(%XPRINT_GET_ppi , ppiX , ppiY )
xprint_get(%XPRINT_GET_MARGIN , mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom)
xprint_get(%XPRINT_GET_orientation , Orientation)
xprint_get(%XPRINT_GET_quality , Quality)
xprint_box(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, 0)
xprint_font "Arial", 24, 0
xprint "thinBasic: XPrint module example" & $crlf
xprint_font "Courier New", 10, 0
xprint "Selected printer: " & CurrentPrinter & $crlf
xprint "DC : " & DC & $crlf
xprint "PPI : X=" & ppiX & " Y=" & ppiY & $crlf
xprint "Client area : Width=" & ClientWidth & " Height=" & ClientHeight & $crlf
xprint "Size : Width=" & SizeWidth & " Height=" & SizeHeight & $crlf
xprint "Margin : Left=" & mLeft & " Top=" & mTop & " Right=" & mRight & " Bottom=" & mBottom & $crlf
xprint "Orientation : " & Orientation & $crlf
xprint "Quality : " & Quality & $crlf
dim CountY as long
dim CountX as long
xprint_font "Courier New", 5, 0
for CountY = 0 to SizeHeight step 20
'---Set a random color
xprint_color rgb(rnd(1, 255), rnd(1, 255), rnd(1, 255))
xprint_set(%xprint_set_pixel, 100, CountY)
xprint_set(%xprint_set_pos , ClientWidth - 100, CountY)
xprint CountY & $crlf
xprint_font "Courier New", 4, 0
xprint_color rgb(0, 0, 0)
xprint_line 100, 2000, 2000, 2000
xprint_line 100, 2100, 2000, 2100
for Countx = 100 to 2000 step 50
xprint_style rnd(0, 4)
xprint_line CountX, 2000, CountX, 2100
xprint_set(%xprint_set_pos , CountX + 5, 2050)
xprint CountX
msgbox 0, "No printer selected."
end if
Code: Select all
ae_TB_LoadScript "[PubDir]Xprint.tBasic" "F"
ae_TB_Run ""
Code: Select all
Declare SUB PlayScript Lib "NeoThinBasic.nbp" (BYVAL Script as string)
Declare SUB SetVariable Lib "NeoThinBasic.nbp" (BYVAL Variable as String, BYVAL sValue as String)
Declare FUNCTION GetVariable Lib "NeoThinBasic.nbp" (ByRef VarName AS STRING) as String
Declare FUNCTION GetObjectHandle Lib "NeoThinBasic.nbp" (ByRef sname AS STRING) AS LONG
local tBasicVar as String
tBasicVar = GetVariable("NeoBookVariable")
local tBasicVar as Long
tBasicVar = Val(GetVariable("NeoBookVariable"))