Questions and information about using VBScript and JavaScript in NeoBook functions

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David de Argentina
Posts: 1596
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina


Post by David de Argentina »

Save into the Functions Folder:

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{NeoBook Function}
Param=[%1]|Text|Input UTF8 Variable
Param=[%2]|Variable|Return ANSI Variable
Public Function Encode_UTF8(astr)
    Dim c
    Dim n
    Dim utftext

    utftext = ""
    n = 1
    Do While n <= Len(astr)
        c = AscW(Mid(astr, n, 1))
        If c < 128 Then
            utftext = utftext + Chr(c)
        ElseIf ((c >= 128) And (c < 2048)) Then
            utftext = utftext + Chr(((c \ 64) Or 192))
            utftext = utftext + Chr(((c And 63) Or 128))
        ElseIf ((c >= 2048) And (c < 65536)) Then
            utftext = utftext + Chr(((c \ 4096) Or 224))
            utftext = utftext + Chr((((c \ 64) And 63) Or 128))
            utftext = utftext + Chr(((c And 63) Or 128))
        Else ' c >= 65536
            utftext = utftext + Chr(((c \ 262144) Or 240))
            utftext = utftext + Chr(((((c \ 4096) And 63)) Or 128))
            utftext = utftext + Chr((((c \ 64) And 63) Or 128))
            utftext = utftext + Chr(((c And 63) Or 128))
        End If
        n = n + 1
    Encode_UTF8 = utftext
End Function

Public Function Decode_UTF8(astr)
    Dim c0, c1, c2, c3
    Dim n
    Dim unitext

    If isUTF8(astr) = False Then
        Decode_UTF8 = astr
        Exit Function
    End If

    unitext = ""
    n = 1
    Do While n <= Len(astr)
        c0 = Asc(Mid(astr, n, 1))
        If n <= Len(astr) - 1 Then
            c1 = Asc(Mid(astr, n + 1, 1))
            c1 = 0
        End If
        If n <= Len(astr) - 2 Then
            c2 = Asc(Mid(astr, n + 2, 1))
            c2 = 0
        End If
        If n <= Len(astr) - 3 Then
            c3 = Asc(Mid(astr, n + 3, 1))
            c3 = 0
        End If

        If (c0 And 240) = 240 And (c1 And 128) = 128 And (c2 And 128) = 128 And (c3 And 128) = 128 Then
            unitext = unitext + ChrW((c0 - 240) * 65536 + (c1 - 128) * 4096) + (c2 - 128) * 64 + (c3 - 128)
            n = n + 4
        ElseIf (c0 And 224) = 224 And (c1 And 128) = 128 And (c2 And 128) = 128 Then
            unitext = unitext + ChrW((c0 - 224) * 4096 + (c1 - 128) * 64 + (c2 - 128))
            n = n + 3
        ElseIf (c0 And 192) = 192 And (c1 And 128) = 128 Then
            unitext = unitext + ChrW((c0 - 192) * 64 + (c1 - 128))
            n = n + 2
        ElseIf (c0 And 128) = 128 Then
            unitext = unitext + ChrW(c0 And 127)
            n = n + 1
        Else ' c0 < 128
            unitext = unitext + ChrW(c0)
            n = n + 1
        End If

    Decode_UTF8 = unitext
End Function

Public Function isUTF8(astr)
    Dim c0, c1, c2, c3
    Dim n

    isUTF8 = True
    n = 1
    Do While n <= Len(astr)
        c0 = Asc(Mid(astr, n, 1))
        If n <= Len(astr) - 1 Then
            c1 = Asc(Mid(astr, n + 1, 1))
            c1 = 0
        End If
        If n <= Len(astr) - 2 Then
            c2 = Asc(Mid(astr, n + 2, 1))
            c2 = 0
        End If
        If n <= Len(astr) - 3 Then
            c3 = Asc(Mid(astr, n + 3, 1))
            c3 = 0
        End If

        If (c0 And 240) = 240 Then
            If (c1 And 128) = 128 And (c2 And 128) = 128 And (c3 And 128) = 128 Then
                n = n + 4
                isUTF8 = False
                Exit Function
            End If
        ElseIf (c0 And 224) = 224 Then
            If (c1 And 128) = 128 And (c2 And 128) = 128 Then
                n = n + 3
                isUTF8 = False
                Exit Function
            End If
        ElseIf (c0 And 192) = 192 Then
            If (c1 And 128) = 128 Then
                n = n + 2
                isUTF8 = False
                Exit Function
            End If
        ElseIf (c0 And 128) = 0 Then
            n = n + 1
            isUTF8 = False
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

publication.nbSetVar "[%2]", Decode_UTF8("[%1]")
Greetings from Buenos Aires,
David de Argentina
Neosoft Support
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Re: UTF8 to ANSI

Post by Neosoft Support »

Thanks David!
NeoSoft Support
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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:25 am
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Re: UTF8 to ANSI

Post by Rasl »

Thanks David!
